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PLEASE NOTE: The current version of the Viscgo sticks look a little different to the original version of the sticks used in the images on this page.

How to test if a drink is Level 3 Moderately Thick

Click here to open these instructions as a pdf documents you can download and print


The Viscgo Yellow Level 3 Test consists of one Yellow Level 3 Stick which tests if a drink is too thin for Level 3 Moderately Thick.

Use a yellow Level 3 MIN stick

There is no Viscgo Stick to test if a drink is too thick for Level 3 because if a drink is too thick to pour and has to be consumed with a spoon, it is too thick.

Intended Use

To test if a drink thickened with xanthan gum-based thickener is Level 3 Moderately Thick. Not intended to test drinks thickened with starch-based thickener.

Intended User

Anyone who uses xanthan gum-based thickener to thicken drinks to Level 3 Moderately Thick.


Wash the stick before first use.

Before each use, check the stick is clean and not bent or damaged in any way and the black print is clearly visible.

The stick must be used the right way up:
the blunt end should be at the top;
the pointed end should be at the bottom;
the number should be the right way up;
the Viscgo logo should be above the depth mark.

Make sure the cup containing the drink is on a flat, level surface, not at an angle, and is not vibrated or knocked during testing. It is easier to use a cup with a flat bottom than a curved bottom. We recommend using the Viscgo Cup as it has a flat bottom.

The drink must be between 6.5cm and 7.5cm deep. The Sticks have a depth mark as a guide. We recommend using the Viscgo Cup to ensure that a 200ml drink is the correct depth for testing with the sticks.

Drink must be between 6.5 and 7.5 cm deep

How to test if a drink is Level 3 Moderately Thick

Hold the stick the right way up and use it to give the drink a quick vigorous stir.

Use the stick to stir the drink

After stirring, remove the stick from the drink and then re-insert it in the drink vertically. This is because it is better to insert the stick in the drink vertically rather than move it to a vertical position within the drink.

Stand the stick in the drink, near the middle of the cup with the pointed end touching the bottom of the cup. Hold the stick in place with your finger tip and make sure it is vertically upright, not at an angle.

To get a correct result, it is very important to release the stick from a vertical position. Failure to do so can cause an incorrect result as the stick might fall more quickly than it would if starting from a vertical position.

Stand the stick vertically in the drink
Let go of the stick and wait for ten seconds.

Let go of stick for 10 seconds


If the stick falls to the side of the cup within ten seconds the drink is TOO THIN for Level 3 Moderately Thick.

Drink is too thin


If the stick STANDS for ten seconds, or starts to fall but doesn’t reach the side of the cup within 10 seconds, AND the drink is thin enough to pour, it is the CORRECT THICKNESS for Level 3 Moderately Thick.

Drink is the correct thickness

Drink thin enough to pour so not too thick


If the drink is too thick to pour, it is TOO THICK for Level 3 Moderately Thick.

Drink is too thick to pour

If an unexpected result occurs, for instance a stick falls quicker than expected, it is recommended to perform the test again making sure the stick starts from a vertical position. You might find it easier to ensure the stick is vertical if you use one stick at a time rather than both Sticks together.

Remove sticks from the drink after ten seconds as sticks will eventually fall if left in the drink longer, implying an incorrect test result.

As the consistency of thickened drinks can alter over time, for example if a hot drink cools down or a cold drink warms up, you can re-test the drink at any time using this method.


Do not use Viscgo Sticks if they are bent or damaged in any way or if the print is not clearly visible.

CHOKING HAZARD: keep the sticks out of reach of young children.

Avoid contact with eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

Do not use the Pink Viscgo Sticks to test if drinks are any Level other than Level 2 Mildly Thick.

The cup containing the drink must be on a flat, level surface, not at an angle.

Avoid vibrating or knocking the cup during testing.

The sticks must be placed vertically upright near the middle of the drink at least 1cm apart, the right way up with the pointed ends touching the bottom of the cup.

Depth of drink to be tested must be between 6.5cm and 7.5cm. There is a depth mark on the sticks as a guide.

Remove the sticks from the drink after ten seconds as they will eventually fall if left in a drink longer, implying an incorrect test result.

Remove the sticks from the cup before serving.


The stick can be hand washed or washed in a dishwasher. Avoid bending the sticks during washing.


If the stick are bent or damaged in any way, or if the print is not clearly visible, dispose of in general waste.
